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More benefits are provided by the Human Resources Department; more healthcare towards your employees


Human Resources’ Practical Features

With the HiperPartnership card, all the hard work is ours. The Human Resources Department gets the monthly financial sheet with due credit reports concerning each and every card holder.

Market Transactions: A Nimble and Integrated System

We do want to make it easy the human resources job and, for that, we have generated an integrated file alongside your company’s payment sheet through the web portal without any kind of interference. This way, you get all nimbleness that you need. Furthermore, there is a bill receipt issuance fifteen days after any transaction date.

Safety and Control

With a proper login and password, you have complete autonomy. The Human Resources Department manages all info such as employee’s credit limits; cards issuance requests and cancellations; summed-up financial sheets consultations regarding all your employee’s purchases, amongst other services. It is possible, furthermore, to generate managerial reports in order that both Medical and Human Resources Departments might effectuate preventive programs.

Life Quality

More than a promotional card, the HiperPartnership is a legit human resources ally. In order to achieve this, we do sponsor free lectures revolving about related themes regarding healthcare, thus helping your company to disseminate quality of life-added features as well as to encourage your employee’s healthcare prevention programs.


Drugstore Wide Network

There are more than two hundred drugstores scattered across Parana and Santa Catarina States, a lot of them with the delivery system.

Exclusive Deductions

You can access over six thousand items with exclusive deductions in corporate partnerships with a payment deadline that might be up until forty days, depending on the purchase date.

Online Consultations

The employee has access to a login portal and password in order to verify the account balance, payment sheets, to take a look at the available amount earmarked towards purchases as well as to modify registration data such as address, phone number and e-mail.

Easiness towards the Employee and His or Her Family

The HiperPartnership card is geared towards each and every employee. The card holder gets the card with a bar code similar to that of a credit card with proper corporate identification, employee’s name and other important info.


What is the monthly card limit?

The monthly card limit is earmarked by your company and you can make consultations about it in the user’s access menu.

How do I visualize my current account balance?

Through the “partnered user access” portal located at the bottom of the website. In the empty space, you can input your card number and password.

Who can utilize my card?

Only the cardholder can do that. You can request an additional dependent’s card with not cost at all, directly speaking to the Human Resources Department.

Is the card accepted in each and every drugstore?

The card is accepted in all HiperFarma Network drugstores located in Parana and Santa Catarina States

My card is blocked. What happened?

If your card happens to be blocked, get in touch with the Corporate Partnership Department at (41) 3330-1300 or with corporate human resources at your company in order that the applicable eason might be specified.

How much deduction am I entitled to and can I buy anything in the drugstore?

This info varies according to the arranged deal alongside your company. To get more details, get in touch with the Human Resources Department or through our customer service provision in the following phone numbers: (41) 3330-1300 and (41) 9 8409-0755.

What docs do I must hand in to my company so that it might become a HiperFarma corporately partnered entity?

It depends on the applicable legal category: corporate contract; constitutive act; statutory act (in case of an association) or single entrepreneur-stemmed request.

Does HiperFarma require a minimal number of collaborators to perform any delivery?

No. Our benefit program encompasses small- to big-sized corporations and it does not require any associates threshold at all.

Request your Partnership

Are you a human resources manager?

Arrange it now your company’s corporate partnership

Are you an employee?

Be proactive and suggest a corporate partnership towards your Human Resources Department

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