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Hiperfarma Associate

In order that all corporate partners might make use of all best possible resources, tools were conceived that are constantly in the flux. This enables any corporate partner to constantly be up-to-dated as concerning market volatilities. To be a member of any associative organization does require indeed a substantial transformation onto any entrepreneur’s corporate personality. It is crucial to set all ego aside, thus reinforcing solidarity and visualizing any competitor as a potential ally.



All marketing initiatives are equalized between store-based costs and profitability imperatives. There are monthly campaigns properly developed and aired on TV, radio, tablets and other communication devices, thus generating a positive flux of people and sales. Furthermore, the Network is active in the main social networks and the info is updated on a daily basis with ever-changing news to our followers. In order that this might happen in the best possible way, the Hiperfarma Network counts with an internal marketing department wherein highly demanding professional people work on a daily basis in order to uphold the materials’ quality standard as well as to generate new businesses towards our associates.

Purchaser’s Partnerships and Associative Systems

The Hiperfarma Network has a completely computerized system related to corporate partnerships alongside several companies that do engender unmediated sales towards all partnered drugstores. Through a hi-tech system, the HiperConv corporate partnership card does provide - towards associative companies - ultimate security related to comptrollership mechanisms as well as complete customer support through an exclusive self-managed website. This way, the overall transaction does become fulsomely electronic with real-time info geared towards the Human Resources Department. Furthermore, there are official partnerships with credit card companies that provide differential market-based fees towards our associates. This leads our customers – in a constant way – towards the point-of-sale. There are hundreds of companies and thousands of partnered corporations waiting for you!

Structure and Support

The drugstore is based in wide-ranging administrative headquarters that is quite cosy and spacious. There is a training area towards associates and collaborators as well as IT training centres and managerial software devices. Our collaborators do provide assistance in all corporate areas beginning with proper guidance related to lawful documentation deemed necessary towards regulatory framework purposes; legal info about the Controlled Products Management National System; a popular drugstore program registration procedure; the medicines grant program; amongst other resources.


Through our intranet – an interactive network – all associates are made aware of everything that happens in the marketplace and in the associative world. There is real-time info and opportunities galore. Our intranet is one more way of safeguarding competitivity.


We constantly strive to study the competition in order to further provide up-to-dated and modern structural parameters in a way to enable visibility and competitive features.


Once this is about a non-profit associative entity, the individual who happens to garner the most benefits are the associates with specialized service provisions conceived by those who genuinely understand the marketplace.

Corporately partnered companies
Registered customers


Why does one have to become a Hiperfarma associate?

The marketplace is even more competitive and constantly evolving. A way of getting into this vortex is to join forces alongside a strong network with consolidated values with a highly capable infrastructure in providing all the needs towards any contemporary entrepreneur. It is a melding of technology, market intelligence, qualified teamwork and, mainly, proper focus upon a common goal: everything that Hiperfarma provides nowadays to any associate.

What does make it different the Hiperfarma associative enterprise from a franchise?

At Hiperfarma, the associate is not only another drugstore or a number. He or she is an entrepreneur in a growth directory, with total purview of his or her commercial establishment. The entrepreneur enjoys all available tools provided by the Network in an interlinked way: the managerial IT system; partnerships department; commercial and negotiation department; marketing department tools. We do count with a qualified directive framework that is always available towards all associates and that fully understand – on a daily basis – what truly makes a difference in any given enterprise. A monthly assembly meeting is scheduled when, in a fulsome transparent way, all associates are listened to and garner info reverted back to their respective enterprises. It is a joint associative model that does fortify indeed your brand.

What is the ratio between my investment and the ultimate financial return?

We do have two monthly established fees. Because we are an associative enterprise, all earned financial collections – be them through associate’s monthly fees or alongside negotiations with suppliers – are cashed back towards any associate through several ways: campaigns, advertising initiatives and even product placements. We do further own an affiliation fee geared towards civilian citizens who act as store delegates. This one might be paid in instalments or at once. In order to verify financial amounts, get in touch with us.

Is there any layout standardization?

Yes, we do own a standard procedure concerning external and internal comms that properly guidelines any customer so as to enable him or her to acquire a holistic view of the network. Our associate – during the first contact – is already aware to all standardization procedures through our communication manual that is constantly up-to-dated by the marketing department. We do count as well with an innovative website plus official Facebook and Instagram that pages are properly managed by the HiperFarma Network internal team.

Be an Associate

Success Origins

Since 1998, the Hiperfarma Network does promote competitive features towards its associates. The Network is not a franchise but an associative enterprise comprised by an elected board of directors that is selected each and every two years. This board does coordinate all activities, does propose new projects and does engender auxiliary tools towards all stores.

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